Human-Computer Interaction Syllabus (work-in-progress)

Description: this course offers a broad introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) - a discipline concerned with design, evaluation, and implementation of computer systems for human use. Course materials will cover key theories and concepts through topics such as information visualization, social media, collective intelligence, value-sensitive design, affective computing, security interactions, and more.

Supporting books for this course:

With thanks to:

Course objectives

Students in this course will:

  • Learn fundamental principles of human-computer interaction and design, especially the ability to empathize and advocate for user needs
  • Practice applying HCI theory and principles to create interfaces
  • Practice using common metrics and methods to evaluate interfaces
  • Practice collaborating and communicating effectively with other stakeholders in projects related to human-computer interaction and design

Foundations of HCI (Part 1 of 3)

Topics Include:

  • Introduction and Key Definitions
  • Guiding Theories
  • The Graphical User Interface
  • Ethics and Values in HCI

Materials include:

Design, Evaluation, and Feedback (Part 2 of 3)

Topics include:

  • Fundamentals of Information Visualization
  • Designing Systems
  • Evaluating Systems
  • Feedback Mechanisms

Materials include:

Applied HCI (Part 3 of 3)

Topics Include:

  • Information Visualization
  • Designing for Accessibility
  • Security Interactions
  • Social Media
  • Collective Intelligence

Conclusion: The Future of HCI and Design