Internet Memes (work-in-progress)
Thanks to the flexibility of "May Term" at Transylvania University, I get to teach a class about internet memes in May 2025 π. This syllabus is in its earliest stages, so send me ideas and check back to see how it shapes up!
Guiding Questions
I get a wide range of reactions when I tell people I'm teaching a class about internet memes, from "that's amazing!" to "how are you allowed to do that?"
I am happy to acknowledge the topic itself was partly intended to attract student attention. After I listed a course titled "social and ethical issues in computing" and nobody signed up, I decided to work on marketing a little bit more.
Memes are fun, and they also provide a nice gateway topic to some deeper questions about computers, communication, and society:
- What is the role of digital culture in society at large? How has this changed over time?
- What is the relationship between our digital communication systems and our internal attention? Are we losing our deep thinking skills? Is it really "brain rot?"
- How can graph theory and network analysis principles apply to information diffusion and content virality?
- Why does some mediocre content become so popular, and why does some incredible content remain in obscurity?
- How does visual communication fit into broader cultural symbolism?How does this vary across different types of visual communication (images, memes, AI-generated media, television, movies and film, etc.)?
- How is online content created, modified, and distributed to serve different political and economic interests?
Topics and Themes
An academic lens on memes can draw from a wide range of scholarly topics:
- Mimesis and imagination (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
- Memetics and Evolutionary memes (Richard Dawkins)
- Mimetic theory (RenΓ© Girard)
- Digital anthropology (Heather Horst)
- Network theory
- Network analysis
- Communication infrastructure
- Communication theory
- Meme Archaeology. Students will do a deep dive on a sound, trend, hashtag, image, or other meme to pin down its origins.
- Meme Evolution. Students will trace how memes and their meanings change over time, again focused on a single sound, trend, hashtag, image, etc.
- Meme Networks. Using network software (e.g. networkx or igraph), students will construct and analyze a network of actors who use a given meme.
- Going Viral. Students will share some piece(s) of media to the internet with the goal of reaching as many people as possible.
- Collaborative Filtering. Students will set up a simple recommendation algorithm based on collective preferences, labeling content individually then devising different approaches to recommend content for classmates.
- Feed Analysis. As a way to reflect on attention patterns, students will log content from their social media feed(s) and analyze this data to identify patterns and phenomena such as context collapse.
- Headline Testing. Students will design and conduct a simple A/B test to explore how engagement can be measured, sharing posts to platforms like Reddit.
- Online-to-Offline. Students will research the stories behind real people in popular meme pictures, for example, ZoΓ« Roth as disaster girl, or John Phillips as "crying Northwestern kid".
I am currently reviewing a range of potential books to use in class, including:
- Memes in Digital Culture by Limor Shiffman
- Extremely Online by Taylor Lorenz
- Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch
- The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore
- The World Made Meme: Public Conversations and Participatory Media by Ryan Milner
- Made to stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
- "How Memes Became the Voice of a Generation" by Caroline Kitchener
Peer-Reviewed Papers:
- I tweet honestly, I tweet passionately: Twitter users, context collapse, and the imagined audience
- Time Collapse in Social Media: Extending the Context Collapse
- Communicating mixed messages about religion through internet memes
- "Self-Quaranteens" Process COVID-19: Understanding Information Visualization Language in Memes
- Competition among memes in a world with limited attention
- Analysis of Facebook Meme Groups Used During the 2016 US Presidential Election
- Limited individual attention and online virality of low-quality information
- On the Origins of Memes by Means of Fringe Web Communities
General Audience Articles
- The WIRED Guide to Memes
- How Memes Became the Voice of a Generation (Caroline Kitchener for The Atlantic)
- How the ice bucket challenge led to an ALS research breakthrough (Ian Sample and Nicky Woolf for The Guardian)
- From Kilroy to Pepe: A Brief History of Memes (Lennlee Keep for PBS)
- Who Should Control Social Media? (Elle Griffin and Josh Kramer for New Public)
Movies and Such
- The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
- The Great Hack
- Searching
- Inception ("You need the simplest version of the idea-the one that will grow naturally in the subject's mind.")